In my early teens I saw the poster for the 'Cannonball Run'. All those great celebrities drawn around the speed sign with the car crashing through it.  I adored it for the simple reason it had the most lifelike portraits I had ever seen on a movie poster. Besides that it was funny, had a great composition, nice coloring and showed the signs of a true craftsman.  Though it wasn't signed, it was the work of someone I wanted to see more of.  The following years I began a collection of posters by an artist called Drew:  Back to the Future, The Goonies, The Police Academy, The Temple of Doom, etc... and though I always thought the Cannonball run poster had that same richness in style, I couldn't be sure because of the absence of a name on that piece.
            Finally that mysterie got solved when I got a copy of the 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' poster.  It was signed Drew and had some sort of a square logo on it as well, the logo I had already seen on the Muppet movie poster and some other stuff.  When I looked again at that Cannonball piece I saw that same logo disguised in the black and white squares below on the right.  From then on I became a true collector of his work, compiling lists of his by checking out movie magazines, movie stores, video stores and filmfairs.
            Sometime in '93, through his agency, I wrote a letter asking for a complete list of all the movie posters he had done.  Writing back Drew said he  had done about 150 or so pieces for the movies but had no list of it what so ever.  He would try to compile a list when he had the time.   When I recentely joined the net, I found his own website with tons of information and images of his art, and above all a list with about 150 titles he had compiled.  It was a dream come true.
            Thanks to that list I finally had about 50 new titles of posters he'd done and started looking for them on the net. Today I am the proud owner of about 100 one sheets of his.  A lot of them you've all seen before, but there's a whole lot of great stuff that's really unknown. You can see a lot of those in these pages.
            The posters shown here were all verified by Drew himself.  It's truly an honour to have him helping me out and giving me all the information I've asked for.  I know the 150 pieces list isn't complete. Drew says:' I've  done a lot of pieces in one day and lost them among thousands of images I saw but for a day..', so now and then new and lost titles could be added to the list.
            Anyway, I hope you enjoy yourself looking at these great posters.  Let's hope the list never completes and we get to see more great artwork of his in the future.


       The Drew movie poster page is created and maintained by Paul De Blieck.  All pictures (except where noted) were taken from my own collection and were retouched in photopaint to get the cracks and folds out (you should see my 'Borderline' poster to know how much time that took me).  My page has been on the net since July first 1999 and will stay there forever in one form or another. Look out for new stuff every couple of weeks.  Any comments or questions on the subject-matter, please let me know.  Maybe with your help this homepage could become the most complete Drew movie poster collection ever.  Live long and enjoy!


            All images, artwork or intellectual properties on this site are covered by international copyright laws.  This site and the materials represented here in are for educational purposes only and should not be copied or reproduced in any fashion under penalty of law.  All rights are reserved by the individual copyright owners.


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