Back to the Future - Part II
November 1989
After this triptych was finished it would seem hard to believe that
this wasn't the result of an initial brilliant idea. It was
It was never an idea or a concept that was predetermined. It was
a hard fought battle with no real sure vision for the set.
The original one sheet for the first episode was arrived at rather
helter skelter. This second one was the same, maybe even more
Drew did over thirty black and white drawings and concepts. He
a couple dozen full blown black and white compositions and numerous
color paintings trying to arrive at a concept that would make everyone
secure. In the end they did go with what made them all
a repeat of the original.
Even this concept had it's trials on the finished painting. Drew
had painted the entire city scape of Hill Valley in the background
and only later painted over it with this simple nightscape. The
experience was a delight however. A great poster after all and
experience of having Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd
pose for the painting. It was on this occasion that Michael told
Drew that he was Drew's greatest fan.